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Welcome to the Bacon Journal

Welcome to my journal, this is where I'll log what's been happening in my life, kinda as an area to vent, and stuff similar to that. I do apologize in advacne if whatever I put get's a little too ranty


Last Update: 12/7/22

Log 1

Ayyy First log is up, at the time of writing, the website is currently under construction, so do please pardon the dust. I'll be getting this website up and running as soon as I can. In addition to that I'll be posting, and updating the website sporadically when I have the free time. I do have many idea for this website, and they will be done at some poinr in the furture. Over and out

Log 2

Day 2 is underway, I hope to atleast get the foundations for another page down, as well as try and do some CSS here to brighten the page up,but it's still pretty barebones. I'll probably work on this over the weekend, just to finish some of this. Out.

Log 3

Dec 3, 2022. I was rather hoping to make a large portion of progress today. But alas, the second covid booster's side effects are starting to rear their ugly heads in. I'm not entirely sure how much I'll be able to complete today. Only time will tell. UPDATE: Yeah I couldn't get much done. Unfortunate but I should be able to get alot done tommorrow.

Log 4

Finally got the background images set up with the help of my parents. Today I hope to complete most of what I need to complete for the website, which is mosytly adding images to all the pages, as well as a little text

Log 5

Everything is now mostly up and running how I want it. Finally got around to putting actual images on each page, instead of just having text, that's a plus. The ships page has stalled, but I do hope to get back on track and at least get some start on it soon, but I'm not so sure. The amount of updates the site gets depends on the amount of time I have. So it'll depend, but I'll try and get it running as soon as I can.