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This is where I'll show off all the games I enjoy

Apex Legends

I have definitely played way too much Apex. I've honelsty probably played enough fora lifetime, considering I have over 2500 hours on the game. But also to be fair, it was the first shooter game I've ever gotten into, and it was over lockdown, so I didn't really have much to do. I've also spent way too much money on the game. I haven't really played it much recently, only really playing it with friends. I enjoy the game for its playstyle, that changes depending on the legend you play, I personally main Wraith and Lifeline, and have both of their heirlooms, call me a sweat all you want. I've also played some ranked, and got reached diamond, but since then I have vowed to never touch ranked ever again, due to its grindy nature.


Overwatch, a game my friends introduced me to. And a game I don't have all to much experience with, considering I purchased the game in August of 2022. It's a game I enjoyed in its original form before it became Overwatch 2. Overwatch 2 is fine, I still enjoy it, but it gets very repetitive as they've removed many of the maps from quick play, and have remapped some of the old ones. All in all, this means that there are only a few maps in play. But they have also introduced a new mode with a robot. For me, I've kind of just become the healer of the group when we play any game, actually, but for Overwatch, I main Mercy. With a little Ana, and Baptiste.


A series of games my friends haven't introduced me to. And I say a series because I like most forza games. I'm gonna start with Forza Motorsport

Forza Motorsport 6 & Forza Motorsport 7

Forza Motorsport 6 is probably one of my all time favorite games. Being on of the first games I ever got for my Xbox does give it a headstart. And the fact I do love racing games help it alot as well. This was, and still is a game I can just grid for hours, as I love circuit racing. But I do have an issue with the AI, they're just too easy on unbeatable. This is an issue with all forza games, where the AI don't usually get good starts, and aren't very fast and agressive, so on some tracks, it's very easy to gap, and lap the AI. But besides that, it's a very fun game. Forza Motorsport 7 is the next installment of the Forza Motorsport series, and just like its predecessor, I love it. But it's not really in upgradde from FM6, same cars, same tracks, and same issues. I mean theres new menus, voice overs, etc... but thats what you would expect from a new game. Theres nothing really all to special about it.

Forza Horizon 3, 4, 5

A different series of games in the Forza series. Forza horizon is the open world version, focusing less on the pure built race tracks and race cars of Forza Motorsport, and focusing more on the street racing and modifying normal street cars. Each game contains different cars, set in different parts of the world. Horizon 3 is set in the Australian Outback and was the first Forza Horizon game I ever played. I did notice that this was the last Forza Horizon game to include GT race cars, as the Later 2 installments do not have it. Forza Horizon 4 was a game changer, set in England, it was the first Forza Horizon game to include changing seaons throughout the game. As well as a backstage pass, so players to purchase older seaosnal cars that were no longer avaliable. This was also the first Forza game where I purchased all the add-ons. Fortune Island was a fun Add-on, as well as making me rich with all the treasure chests, which each gave a million credits, but was a short grind. The Lego Champions extension was a fun grind, as its map was larger than Fortune island, and subsequently has more to do on it. As well as giving you lego speed champions cars. The latest installment is Forza Horizon 5, set in Mexico, we haven't gotten all the expansions yet, as it is still relatevly new for a Forza game, so we'll see. What we have gotten, isn't my favorite