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The Kriegmarine had a few cruisers built, some newly built classes, others holdover from previous years

Deutschland Class

The Deutschlands were a class of 3 heavy cruisers, built during the interwar period, and serving up until the end of WW2. These ships were built as commerece raiders, designed to destroy merchant ships, and their small escorts with their six, eleven inch guns, but also had the speed to outrun larger ships that could destroy them. The three ships of class were Deutschland, later renamed to Lutzow, Admiral Scheer, and Admiral Graf Spee. The ships weighed in at about 12,000 tons loaded. The ships were armed it six eleven inch guns, in two triple turrets. As well as eight 15 cm single secondary guns, as well as eight torpedos in 2 quad mounts. With a final array of anti-air guns. The ships power plants could take them to a max speed of 28 knots.